Franklin Historical Society-- Franklin, New Hampshire
Franklin Historical Society
March 2025.
Current Newsletter
Easterseals officers recently paid a visit to update the Society on progress on the Veterans Campus and the accepted timeline dictated that the first residents may be in their new homes by July. With that in mind, the August program, if all goes well, may be a history of the area, from the Indian Wars to Elms Farm, the NH Home for Orphans, the Sisters of Holy Cross, and now the Veterans and Military Campus. Everyone will be welcome, and hopefully new friendships can be made.
Last month the officers and board met to discuss such presentations, as well as creating a slate on which membership can vote to carry the Society into 2026. Recruiting new members, and fundraisers were also on the agenda, and a full schedule of events will be listed soon on the website, and on Facebook. 2025 looks to be another year of great promise, with ample opportunities for all ages to get involved.
If you are not a member, there is an application on the website, It is affordable, and it is important to show that you care.
This winter’s pattern of storms in sequence, leaving a couple of inches here, four inches there, has accumulated large enough totals to create impressive mountains pushed to the sides of large parking lots and piles at the ends of driveways. With some melting, but not enough to make a significant difference, homeowners with flat roofs need to be vigilant of increasing stress loads. The Society has already needed to clear the roof of the rear porch, and if more snow arrives, the front porch may need attention (albeit a little dicier on which to work). That, and keeping an eye on propane usage and overall interior temperatures, make building checks mandatory on a regular basis. Propane usage is up to the influence of arctic vortexes, along with electricity costs to run the space heaters strategically placed in the basement and upstairs. So far, nothing untoward has occurred (fingers crossed).
April will mark the first meeting of the season, and also the first date for paying this year’s dues. Please consider either putting your payment in the mail now, or bring it to the Society at the meeting. Your continued support is essential to preserve the history of Franklin through educational opportunities and maintaining an interesting and ever changing museum.
And on the latter topic, incalculable gratitude is expressed to the individuals below for the following additions to the Society’s archives:
From Myla Everett, for a Franklin Regional Hospital newspaper insert of an historical account from 1905-1992; news print photos of the Republican Bridge (then) and the Webster Bridge (now); a Franklin Police Department circa 1950 “Safety” booklet; and a memory album of memorabilia and photos of the 1978 Sesquicentennial parade (in much warmer weather...).
From Ted Starkweather, five adhesive ski passes from the same period, for the Veterans Memorial Ski Area.
And from Annette Cain, various City Reports, regulations, and resolutions.
In reference to the industrial-sized stapler manufactured here in Franklin, that was offered by the Sudbury, MA, Historical Society, Paul Doucette sent this information through the Society’s Facebook page:
"Heavy duty stapler Stitcher graphic artist stapler book binder pamphlet binder upholstery. They could change out the Staples depending on the task at hand. Foot operated. Places it anywhere from 1880 to 1900. some of the print shops still use the as well as upholsterers etc etc, also use for binding layers of boot making the outer layers but before stitching."
And a CORRECTION: Last month attributed a donated photo to the boys basketball team of 1914. It was actually amen's team, who won the state championship for the 1914-1915 season with players from Franklin and surrounding towns. As it was donated by a lifelong resident of Andover from her grandmother’s house, chances are one of the team was from there.